Saturday, April 3, 2010

BMW Convertible Car Rental In Orlando Florida

BMW Convertible Car Rental In Orlando Florida
BMW Convertible Car Rental In Orlando Florida

BMW Convertible Car Rental In Orlando Florida

BMW Convertible Car Rental In Orlando Florida
BMW Convertible Car Rental In Orlando Florida

WhaleMobile For Sale - Going Slow

WhaleMobile For Sale - Going Slow

Ever thought of driving your very own WhaleMobile? Well now is your chance and for the very low low price of $150 this blubbering beauty can be yours today. The WhaleMobile is listed on Craigslist located in Cape Girardeau and the contact number is 573-334-4363.

It was built on the frame of a 1986 Yugo Cabrio with 38k Miles by the owners grandfather after it the body was badly damaged in a freak hailstorm. Grandpa got this crazy idea in his head to turn this thing into a whale car. How weird, you wake up one day and decide to make an art car, you start building, people think you are strange and your whole life makes a turn for the interesting.

Anyways, the WhaleMobile has new tires, working headlights, a lever inside the cockpit controls the whale tail and a working blow hole that shoots water. Perfect for parades and kids parties, not street legal yet but I am sure its sea worthy.

WhaleMobile For Sale - Going Slow

WhaleMobile For Sale - Going Slow

Ever thought of driving your very own WhaleMobile? Well now is your chance and for the very low low price of $150 this blubbering beauty can be yours today. The WhaleMobile is listed on Craigslist located in Cape Girardeau and the contact number is 573-334-4363.

It was built on the frame of a 1986 Yugo Cabrio with 38k Miles by the owners grandfather after it the body was badly damaged in a freak hailstorm. Grandpa got this crazy idea in his head to turn this thing into a whale car. How weird, you wake up one day and decide to make an art car, you start building, people think you are strange and your whole life makes a turn for the interesting.

Anyways, the WhaleMobile has new tires, working headlights, a lever inside the cockpit controls the whale tail and a working blow hole that shoots water. Perfect for parades and kids parties, not street legal yet but I am sure its sea worthy.

Tips For Dealing With Special chevrolet cavalier bst

You must be knowing what auto insurance is meant for. Consumers seek auto insurance for their vehicles, may be a car, truck and the like. And what do you think it makes them do this. Well, they protect their vehicles against mishaps, robbery and any further loss incurred whatsoever. What's more auto insurance not only covers the insured party, the insured vehicle but even the third parties. You will find different policies speaking of different circumstances that determine the things to be covered.

Auto insurance has indeed become a must in today's context. Having a vehicle and doing away with auto insurance is like food without salt. No wonder, companies big or small are pouring in from all corners to make business out of it. When it comes to categorizing auto insurance, there are two types. As mentioned earlier, policies are poised according to the requirements of the policy buyers. Like for instance, there are policies that rope in bodily injury liability, property damage liability, medical payments, and collision and comprehension coverage due to the corporeal damage of the concerned vehicle.

Auto insurance policy is classified into five parts

* The first thing that comes into being is declarations. All that this part of the policy holds is the personal information regarding the driver. Going into details, it must contain their name and address, vehicle ID number, make and model of the vehicle, policy number, duration and so forth. Moreover, it is pointed out here as to which type of coverage you have settled for and not to mention your policy confines and deductibles. Always remember that the insurance may go void if the information provided by you is untrue.

* Next comes, coverage plans where the coverage confines such as liability, medical, collision and comprehensive are talked about. The fact of the matter is that this part of the policy delineates what you are deemed to get in return out of your insurance company.

* What follows after that, is exclusions. This part gives a concise picture about the respective items uncovered as a result of your policy's restrictions. You will certainly know all that you need to know about your claim. And if that's not enough then you can also make necessary rectifications in the policy much to your convenience.

* The fourth part in the policy is purely concerned with legality such as the legal obligations of the insurer as well as the insured. That's not the end of it; it also houses premium payment obligations, direction to settle disputes and ways to filing a claim.

* Finally, the policy arrives to the fifth part: definitions. As the name suggests, here the terms and the privileges of the policyholder and the company are clearly delineated.

Auto insurance for vehicles on road is obligatory in quite a number of countries. The consequences of driving without insurance are not very pleasant. God forbid, if

Car Modification

Car Modification

Catseye Scraping Modified

Catseye Scraping Modified

Our Riceboi car modification

Our Riceboi car modification

Top 5 Modified Car

Top 5 Modified Car

BYOBW 10th annual Next Week!!!!

Mr T Races in the BYOB
via Boing Boing
The 10th Annual BYOBW or Bring your own Big Wheel down hill race is tomorrow at 4pm at 20th & Vermont St., San Francisco, CA. If you are interested you need to sign up BYOBW and a dress up

BYOBW 10th annual Next Week!!!!

Mr T Races in the BYOB
via Boing Boing
The 10th Annual BYOBW or Bring your own Big Wheel down hill race is tomorrow at 4pm at 20th & Vermont St., San Francisco, CA. If you are interested you need to sign up BYOBW and a dress up

Easter Bunny Furball Art Car Madness - And More!!

With Easter on its way this weekend, I though it appropriate to explore the world of cute furry bunny art cars from around the world. There are a variety of the Easter Art Car wonders making the rounds this year, hiding eggs and scaring small children. From art cars to motorcycles with men in bunny suites, we have it all, enjoy, and Happy Easter!!!

Furry VW Bunny Art Car

Furry VW Bunny Art Car

Rex Rabbit Art Car
Rex Rabbit Art Car

Pink VW Art Car
Pink VW Art Car

Burning Man Bunny Party Float
Burning Man Bunny Party Float

Burning Man Bunny Slippers
Burning Man Bunny Slippers
And we digress with a few more bunny's on wheels. This is the more part.
bunny on a motorcycle
Bunny on a bicycleBunny on a harley

Easter Bunny Furball Art Car Madness - And More!!

With Easter on its way this weekend, I though it appropriate to explore the world of cute furry bunny art cars from around the world. There are a variety of the Easter Art Car wonders making the rounds this year, hiding eggs and scaring small children. From art cars to motorcycles with men in bunny suites, we have it all, enjoy, and Happy Easter!!!

Furry VW Bunny Art Car

Furry VW Bunny Art Car

Rex Rabbit Art Car
Rex Rabbit Art Car

Pink VW Art Car
Pink VW Art Car

Burning Man Bunny Party Float
Burning Man Bunny Party Float

Burning Man Bunny Slippers
Burning Man Bunny Slippers
And we digress with a few more bunny's on wheels. This is the more part.
bunny on a motorcycle
Bunny on a bicycleBunny on a harley

Riceboi-Street Racing

Our Riceboi Car

A Riceboi / Riceboy is a commonly known stereotype for someone identified by his/her car and what they do to it. In general terms, riceboi's usually start off with a stock car usually bought with a showroom specification. They then attempt to modify / fix it up by adding after market lowering springs, spoilers, body kits, rims, exhausts, neons and large exhaust tips. Its common that most riceboi cars ( or "Rice rockets") are accompanied with an array of star decals or stickers that proudly display what the car is or is not.

Its possible for riceboi's to not exclusively use japanese cars, it is quite common for the use of other cars such as mustangs, rovers, ford, clio, bmw and other such cards. If it exist then they will try to modify them.

Riceboi-Street Racing

Our Riceboi Car

A Riceboi / Riceboy is a commonly known stereotype for someone identified by his/her car and what they do to it. In general terms, riceboi's usually start off with a stock car usually bought with a showroom specification. They then attempt to modify / fix it up by adding after market lowering springs, spoilers, body kits, rims, exhausts, neons and large exhaust tips. Its common that most riceboi cars ( or "Rice rockets") are accompanied with an array of star decals or stickers that proudly display what the car is or is not.

Its possible for riceboi's to not exclusively use japanese cars, it is quite common for the use of other cars such as mustangs, rovers, ford, clio, bmw and other such cards. If it exist then they will try to modify them.

The Daihatsu Compagno Berlina 800 hijet deck van

Daihatsu Compagno Berlina 800 hijet deck van

Daihatsu Compagno Berlina 800 hijet deck van

Daihatsu Compagno Berlina 800 hijet deck van

Daihatsu Compagno Berlina 800 hijet deck van

Daihatsu Compagno Berlina 800 hijet deck van